About us

The Zoo of the Pyrenees is a non-profit organization
that rescues wild animals and cares for those that cannot return to the wild.

Leading a community

Tackling a problem as big as environmental protection requires an incredible team.
Meet the committed leaders who spearhead our organization.

The founders

raven as pet

Stania Kuspertova

Executive Director

About us Eloi Arenas Lopez

Eloi Arenas Lopez

Maintenance and new construction

About us founders

Anna Kuspert

Public relations and administration

Team of specialists

Laia Sanchez Golobart

Head veterinarian

Naiara Francone Arjona

Community manager

Manu Sanchez Santiago

Animal caretaker responsible for interns

Neus Serra Gutiérrez

Animal caretaker and veterinary assistant

Together we can save many lives

But we want to go beyond saving the victims of human action. We want to prevent these things from happening. We are committed to dialogue and education and to environmental conservation projects.

We make progress every day thanks to the help of our visitors, partners and generous sponsors. We firmly believe that the protection of nature is the responsibility of each and every one of us. If we work together we will achieve great changes.

Year 2023

Animals taken in
Released animals

Values of our community

About us connection


We build long-lasting and beneficial relationships with our community members. We create experiences of connection between people and the animals they help save.

About us


The members of our community influence with their generosity over the future of many animals that cannot defend themselves. They inspire others around them.

about us values


We are transparent about where the money goes and how successfully. You can check our financials and visit us to see the improvements made with these funds every day of the year.

Community of people

There are many ways to get involved in animal protection.

What you have to do to work with us.

Level 1

Zoo visitors

The income from the entrance fees is used to cover the foundation’s running costs.

In return we provide exciting experiences with the animals.

What you have to do to work with us.

Level 2


With € 1 per month they ensure the income to cover the costs of feeding and buying medicines for the animals.

What you have to do to work with us.

Level 3

Members and Godparents

From 10 € per month or 5 € per month respectively, they make the operation of the rescue center possible.

Their involvement also enables the construction of new animal facilities.

What you have to do to work with us.

Level 4


They make it possible to carry out complex and global nature conservation projects.

Among other purposes, the breeding and release of animals in a vulnerable state in Catalonia.


Change the world with us.
We are looking for committed people with a high level of execution.

Get to know the benefits we offer and be inspired by the way we work.


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