
Common name: Common raven

Scientific name: Corvus corax

Class: Birds

Orden: Passerifomes

Family: Corvidae

Degree of protection of the common raven

The common raven is an abundant species that is not at risk of extinction worldwide and also in the state.

In Catalonia its population is increasing. Thanks to the depopulation of rural areas, it is no longer suffering persecution by people in the same way as before. Its population, which used to seek refuge in sparsely populated areas of the Pyrenees, is now increasing. It is once again settling in territories where it had recently become extinct.

Common raven and hunters

In many European countries the common raven is one of the animals that can be hunted. In Spain its hunting is forbidden.

Is it possible to keep a common raven as a pet?

The common raven is a wild animal and its keeping in captivity is not allowed. However, if it is a captive-bred animal, always complying with the legal requirements, it is possible to keep it in captivity.

Are you planning to get a raven? Or if you are simply interested in what ravens are like in captivity, I have prepared an article on this topic.


Common raven distribution map
The countries where the common raven lives naturally

• The common raven inhabits more or less the entire northern part of the planet.
• It easily adapts to varied climates, from arctic zones to deserts. It is documented on Mount Everest, at an altitude of 6,300 m above sea level.
• In Catalonia it is found almost everywhere, the most stable population lives in the Pyrenees.


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